Tuesday, October 23, 2007
How did a couple of veteran classroom teachers end up in a space like this? Extraordinary intersections between learning, social software and teaching
This artticle published on the Knowledge Tree is authored by Barbara Ganley and Barbara Sawhill, teaching practitioners using new media and social software tools to build their learners’ digital and language literacies.
They posit that during the current period of change where 'everyone and everything is interconnected ... [we have] an opportunity to examine what it is we do with our learners, why we do what we do, and to question how we might be able to do it better'. The authors describe the article as an exploration of 'the classroom blogging adventures of two teachers participating in the metamorphosis of the learning experience; a shedding of the cocoon of antiquated, teacher-centric models of teaching and learning. We will demonstrate how an emergent learner-centric, community-focused teaching and learning model provides a boundary-less series of places where the teacher and the learner, the class and the community outside of the classroom, create and transform knowledge together'.
They posit that during the current period of change where 'everyone and everything is interconnected ... [we have] an opportunity to examine what it is we do with our learners, why we do what we do, and to question how we might be able to do it better'. The authors describe the article as an exploration of 'the classroom blogging adventures of two teachers participating in the metamorphosis of the learning experience; a shedding of the cocoon of antiquated, teacher-centric models of teaching and learning. We will demonstrate how an emergent learner-centric, community-focused teaching and learning model provides a boundary-less series of places where the teacher and the learner, the class and the community outside of the classroom, create and transform knowledge together'.