Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Games Based Learning

The 2006 Australian Flexible Learning Framework Community Network is focussing on the topic of Game Based Learning for April

Using E-learning games experts Kevin Corti, Helen Routledge and Sivasailam Thiagarajan (Thiagi) it is possible to will 'play' innovative E-learning games.

Kevin has set up access to one of his company's recent games for two months for this group. The game is entitled 'The Business' and was designed to help teachers in the UK to deliver enterprise education to, in the main, 14 to 16 year olds.

Thiagi explains the 4D approach for the GBeL (Games Based eLearning) is (including a Torture Chamber!!) Thiagi explains this here. To take a free online course on the 4D approach setup by Thiagi visit

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