Sunday, November 27, 2005


VET becomes VTE

Yes, it's a name change. Under the new DEST arrangements (nee ANTA) the previous Ministers for Vocational Education and Training (VET) has been replaced by the Ministerial Council for Vocational Training and Education (VTE). It appears that we have a new acronym!!

I wonder what the change in working means?
Vocational Education and Training TO Vocational Training and Education

Is the last brick in the wall for any consideration of liberal education in TAFE. Vocational education is no longer a primary concern, it has been replaced by Vocational training.

What do you think. Semantics or an important change in discourse emphasis?

Interesting - a colleague from WA early 2006 told me VET was now VTE. I did a quick www search, and decided it was only a WA 'thing', as they were the only official sites I found using VTE. I told my colleague my musings that I wonder if this change will filter to other states (and I privately hoped not, as it's not as easy an acronym to say...). I'm not in the thick of TAFE anymore, but still associated, and still read about VET - oh, sorry, VTE - how come I missed this change? Is it widely accepted / utilised?
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