Thursday, November 03, 2005


Knowledge Tree - e journal of the Australian Flexible Learning Framework

The launch of Edition 7 of The Knowledge Tree, the journal of the 2005 Australian Flexible Learning Framework, by the Vocational Education and Training (VET) E-learning International project, positions this e-journal of learning innovation in the international arena. Contributions from e-learning practitioners the world over, offer readers the chance to share global research and practice in learning innovation.

Contents of Edition 7

Ulises Mejias: ‘A Nomad’s Guide to Learning and Social Software’.
Leigh Blackall: ‘Digital literacy: how it affects teaching practices and networked learning futures - a proposal for action research’.
Chris Brook and Ron Oliver: ‘A case study of community development in online settings’
Cecilie Murray: M-learning and New Students’ Thinking.
Mark Nichols ‘Tensions in the Convergence of Technology and Pedagogy’.
Diane Newton and Allan Ellis: ‘The influence of organisational culture on e-learning design in the Australian Army’
Margaret O’Connell and Ralph Hampson: ‘A meeting of minds: Blurring international boundaries in a postgraduate Social Work course’.

There are also non-peer-reviewed articles and interviews.

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