Sunday, October 09, 2005


True lies - uptake of e-learning

The 2005 E-learning Benchmarking Project – Final Report (see previous post) contains some findings that don't seem to make sense. Unfotunately the report does not identify or explain these inconsistencies.

- RTO’s estimate that 6-8% of VET units involved e-learning
- 86% of VET teachers/trainers have used at least one e-learning activity in the last 12 months
- 94% of VET students report that there is a lot (38%), some (37%) or a little (19%) e-learning in their current course.

If only 6-8% of VET units involve some e-learning then there must be a lot of VET teachers delivering and VET students enrolled in those units.

Hi Ian,
I have found that teachers will report using E-learning through their schools websites, by offering course notes online. Many students just do not take advantage of this "service". I wonder how many teachers actually make activities which are assessable "online" such as journals, tests and quizzes, in which students must physically participate? I have found that journals are the most useful however they are also the most time consuming, but very rewarding!!
Cheers Kylie
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