Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Some Ideas on the 20 Minute Presentation

These ideas have been formulated after watching and assessing many 20 minute presentations.

Keep to time
  1. Test the presentation before you do it. Make sure that it is only 75% of the allotted time.

  2. It’s better to finish with a few minutes to spare. You can ask for questions and interaction

  3. Always put a clock in a place that you can see it, if you’re getting behind then be prepared to make some changes on the fly.

Only try to make 3 or 4 major points
  1. Be clear about what they are

  2. Don’t get sidetracked

  3. Don’t shoot off at the mouth when you start to talk

If you must use Powerpoint then
  1. Limit yourself to 4 slides plus the title slide. Yes, that’s five slides in total.

  2. Make sure the slides are text light, keep the font size large

  3. DON’T read the slides, the audience can probably read.

  4. DON’T look at the screen. Always face the audience, otherwise they might run away.

  5. DON’T use yellow or orange text. Stick to simple high contrast colors.

  6. DON’T overuse ‘flyins’ and ‘noises.

The best uses of Powerpoint are for
  1. Animations

  2. Prompt to keep you on track

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