Saturday, September 17, 2005
World Hunger
You are invited to share a meal for CARE Australia’s World Hunger
Campaign. Ask your friends, colleagues, or a special someone to share a
meal and buy a chicken or a packet of seeds or ask your entire office to
raise money for a herd of goats for a poor family in Southeast Asia or
Register now to receive your ‘Spoon Tally’ poster and stickers of
hungerfighting items.
Chicken - $10, Goat - $50, Cow - $530, Seed Kit - $6.80, Tool Kit - $2,
Well - $27, Pineapple - $8 for 100
Campaign. Ask your friends, colleagues, or a special someone to share a
meal and buy a chicken or a packet of seeds or ask your entire office to
raise money for a herd of goats for a poor family in Southeast Asia or
Register now to receive your ‘Spoon Tally’ poster and stickers of
hungerfighting items.
Chicken - $10, Goat - $50, Cow - $530, Seed Kit - $6.80, Tool Kit - $2,
Well - $27, Pineapple - $8 for 100