Thursday, September 01, 2005
E-Assessment Month on AFLF Network
E-Assessment is the practice of using technology for assessment. This practice has been with use of approximately 20 years. We have seen technology used in a range of ways.
- Testbanks of multiple choice, true-false, fill in the gap, drag and drop type questions.
- Use of web-based animations for simulation based assessment.
- Use of 'real life' simulations.
- Problem and scenario based learning in the form of WebQuests.
- The use of online communications for role plays.
We are now seeing mobile devices, e-portfolios, individual and group blogs used for e-assessment.
September will focus on the issue of e-assessment. Activities will commence with an Ellumniate live session - Unpacking e-assessment: What are we trying to achieve, facilitated by Ian Robertson on Friday 9 September at 11:30am - 12:30pm.
For further information go to