Friday, June 08, 2007
RIPPLES and the implementation of technology
Based on previous literature and the results of a survey of deans of education in the
Resources = fiscal resources.
Infrastructure = hardware, software, facilities and network capabilities.
People = ‘the needs, hopes, values, skills and experiences of the people who will use the innovation’ (Surry et al., 2005, p.328).
Policies = organisational policies and procedures required to support the innovation.
Learning = the need for administrators to view technology as a means to enhance educational goals. That is, the technology should have pedagogic, access and cost benefits.
Evaluation = the need to continually assess the benefit of the technology.
Support = the need for training, technical support, pedagogical support and administrative leadership.
Benson, R., & Palaskas, T. (2006). Introducing a new learning management system: An institutional case study. Australasian journal of educational technology, 22(4), 548-567.
Surry, D., Ensminger, D., & Haab, M. (2005). A model for integrating technology into higher education. British journal of educational technology, 36(2), 327-329.